
Douches and Anal / Vaginal Douching Products

Check out our range of anal and vaginal douches right here, we stock shower attached douches, as-well as bag and bulb douches, so there’s no excuses for not being squeaky clean when it counts.

Douching is a great way to make sure there are no messy moments, especially during anal play.

Unlike an Enema which flushes fluids deep into the system and can take several hours to complete, anal douching is quick and simple and only cleans the area directly inside the anus.

If not using a shower attached douche then it is perfectly ok to fill your douches build or bag with normal tap water direct fro the tap, and of course make sure you clean and dry your douche properly after use and before use, and again prior to use.

Of course the word “douche” does have other meanings, with it often being used as slang for a jerk, and anyone acting arrogant, jerky, or nasty might be described as one.